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We now deliver first aid training


Allset safety training are proud to have teamed up with a very energetic, knowledegable and enthusiastic trainer to be able to deliver a range of First Aid at Work Courses.


We currently are only offering the Emergency First Aid at Work Course, however look to being able to delivering a range of First Aid Training to meet your specific or legislative requirements.


Click here for more details on how to make a booking

Changes to CSCS Green Card (Labourer Card)

The Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) is making changes for obtaining a Green Card (Labourer Card). These new requirements being introduced from July 2014 state that along with the CITB Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) Test, a qualification (or alternative) must be achieved in order to apply for the Green Card.


This qualification can be the CITB CSkills Site Safety Plus 1 Day Health and Safety Awareness Course.

This is a course that we deliver regularly. Click here for more information.

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Allset Safety Training Ltd

Innovation Centre Medway
Maidstone Road

Mob: 07875 427330 (Jamie)

         07791 378481 (Louise)






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CITB Construction Skills Courses






This course is aimed at all those persons who are entering or working within construction and civil engineering industry as a member of the workforce to help them understand the potential hazards that they face at work on site.


The course provides a practical summary of health, safety and welfare and environmental issues identifying individual responsibilities for looking after themselves and others, what the employer duties are and what should be done if they think anyone's health and safety is being put at risk.


From 1st July 2014, under the new changes to the requirements for obtaining a CSCS Green Card (Labourers), completion of this course (or an equivalent approved H&S awareness course) is necessary to be eligible to apply.


The aims and objectives of the course

To ensure that individual responsibilities are understood:

• Why they are carrying out their identified duties
• What is expected of them
• To ensure that they contribute to the safety of the workplace


At the end of the course delegates will be able to:

• Understand the need to prevent accidents
• Have an understanding of health and safety law
• Identify how their role fits into the control and management of the site
• Understand the need for risk assessments and method statements
• Appreciate the need to perform safely and to stop and ask for advice if not sure
• Feel obliged to report unsafe acts to prevent an accident



The method of assessment is by multiple choice questions at the end of the course as well as being expected to participate during the course.


Course progression

The CITB identify this course as the starting point for obtaining a basic understanding of health and safety duties and responsibilities and becoming aware of hazards and risk on site. Upon successful completion of the course a natural progression would be the Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme Course (SSSTS – 2 days).


Click here to find out course availability and to make a booking 


 Please contact us for more information.






Course Description

This course is designed for site managers, agents and persons who are or are about to be responsible for planning, organising, monitoring, controlling and administering groups of staff and workforce. The course covers all relevant legislation and other aspects which affect safe working in the building, construction and civil engineering industries. It highlights the need for risk assessment in the workplace, the implementation of the necessary control measures and adequate communication to sustain a health and safety culture among the workforce.


The aims and objectives of the five day course

 To help site/contract managers and agents to:


• Manage health and safety on site in accordance with current legal provisions within the context of their managerial role

• Develop an understanding of responsibilities and accountability for site health, safety and welfare

• Recognise a safe site is efficient, economical and productive


At the end of the period of training, delegates will be aware of and able to:

• Implement all health, safety, welfare and environmental legislation which affects them during their daily work

• Implement new guidance and industry best practice

• State their duties and responsibilities with regards to health, safety, welfare and environment


Course assessment

 On completion of the course and successfully passing the three core exercises, case study and an end of course multiple choice examination the delegates will be awarded the CITB’s Construction Site managers safety Certificate.


We normally run this course over 5 weeks on a day-release basis.  All materials are provided, including text books and stationary.


Refreshments throughout the day and a buffet lunch is provided for all delegates.


The cost for this course is £580.00 all inclusive.


Please click here to find out course dates and to make a booking. 






Course Description

The two day refresher course is for delegates who have previously passed the full five day SMSTS course. It aims to bring health and safety knowledge up to date, as well as giving a thorough overview of the legislative changes and their impact in the workplace. The course includes a wide range of topics many building on the previous five day course programme as well as introducing new subjects.


The aims and objectives

 The two day refresher course aims to;

• Improve awareness of recent developments in construction legislation and health, safety, welfare and environmental issues
• Identify measures that will assist the practical implementation of responsibilities established by new legislation and new working practices


At the end of the course delegates will be:

Aware of and able to implement all up dated health, safety, welfare and environmental legislation which affects them in their role as a manager
• Aware of and able to implement new guidance and industry best practice
• More aware of their duties and responsibilities with regard to health, safety, welfare and the environment


Course assessment

On completion of the course and successfully passing the core exercises and an end of course multiple choice examination the delegates will be awarded the CITB's Construction Site Managers Safety Certificate


Please contact us for more information 






Course Description
The Site Supervisor Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) develops supervisory skills of construction site ganger / foremen, to ensure that adequate control measures, communication and monitoring of the workforce occurs.


Who Should Attend

SSSTS is designed for first line managers, foremen, gangers, team leaders and supervisors – i.e. those who have, or are about to acquire, supervisory responsibilities and need to understand their legal duties to better contribute to the instruction, supervision and monitoring of tasks and activities in order to provide and maintain positive standards of health, safety and welfare on a construction site.


Course Content

SSSTS training course will enable candidates to understand the problems of the industry, appreciate how health and safety law is structured, identify how their supervisory role fits into that of the manager in controlling site safety, carry out risk assessments and understand the need for method statements, carry out site inductions, toolbox talks and method statement briefings and understand what is meant by proactive and reactive monitoring and appreciate their need.


The main topics covered are:

• The Health and Safety Legal System
• Construction Accidents – types, numbers and immediate and underlying causes
• Awareness of other Regulations
• Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes
• Work at Height
• Demolition, Noise and Vibration
• Occupational Health
• Fire Awareness
• Control of contractors
• Electricity and Confined Spaces.


Assessment & Award

Coursework is assessed by the instructor throughout the course, via work produced by syndicate exercises and individual participation. There is also a 30 minute, 25 question multiple-choice examination at the end of the course. Successful candidates will be awarded the CITB Site Supervisors Safety Training Certificate.

Please click here to find out course dates and to make a booking.

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